User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Kazbo Shadowgear

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AllianceKazbo Shadowgear
Image of Kazbo Shadowgear
Gender Male
Race Gnome (Humanoid)
Class Warlock, Necromancer
Affiliation(s) Gnomeregan, Alliance
Location Shrine of Seven Stars, Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Alive


Spells and Abilities of Kazbo

  • Spell shadow deathscream.png Fear — Strikes fear into enemies, causing them to flee in terror for up to 8 sec.
  • Spell shadow fingerofdeath.png Finger of Death — Strikes an enemy with the finger of death, inflicting 20,000 shadow damage upon them, their children, and their children's children.
  • Ability warlock chaosbolt.png Chaos Bolt Important Deadly — Unleashes a blast of chaos, causing 427,500 to 472,500 Shadow damage.
  • Spell warlock summonimpoutland.png Summon Wild Imps — Summon Wild Imps.
    • Spell fire firebolt.png Fel Firebolt — Fire a bolt of fel fire at the target, dealing 1,800 to 2,200 Fire damage.

  • Warlock summon doomguard.png Summon Doom Lord Important Tank Alert — Summon a Doom Lord.
    • Spell shadow shadowbolt.png Doom Bolt — Fire a bolt of doom at the target, dealing 45,000 to 55,000 Shadow damage.

  • Achievement boss magtheridon.png Summon Pit Lord — Summon a Pit Lord
    • Ability warrior charge.png Charge — Charge the target, dealing 100% weapon damage, and stunning them for 6 sec. While stunned, the target is vulnerable, taking 100% increased damage. Nothing can whistand the force of a Pit Lord's Charge.
    • Ability warrior cleave.png Cleave — Cleave the target and all nearby enemies, dealing 100% weapon damage.
    • Spell fire felflamebreath.png Fel Flame Breath — Breathe fel flame at the target enemy or friend, dealing 722,500 to 847,500 damage and dispeling 1 Magic effect every 1 sec to all nearby enemies and friends.