User:Armen80721/Tol'vir/Athaniar Shadowspeaker

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HordeAthaniar Shadowspeaker
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Title <Duke>
Gender Male
Race Blood elf (Undead)
Level 92
Class Death knight
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Quel'Thalas, Horde, Knights of the Ebon Blade
Former affiliation(s) Undead Scourge, Alliance of Lordaeron
Occupation Champion of the Ebon Blade
Location Pandaria
Relative(s) Unknown

Duke Athaniar Shadowspeaker is a level 92 blood elf death knight in service of Quel'Thalas and the Horde.


  • Spell deathknight empowerruneblade2.png Frost Strike — Instantly strike the enemy, causing 105% weapon damage as Frost damage.
  • Spell shadow animatedead.png Raise Dead — Raises a ghoul to fight by his side.
  • Inv misc bone skull 01.png Control Undead — ominates the target undead creature, forcing it to do your bidding. While controlled, the time between the undead minion's attacks is increased by 30% and its casting speed is slowed by 20%.
  • Spell frost arcticwinds.png Howling Blast — Blast the target with a frigid wind, dealing ((1.5X + 68.1% of AP)) Frost damage to that foe, and (0.5 * (1.5X + 68.1% of AP)) Frost damage to all other enemies within 10 yards, infecting all targets with Frost Fever.