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WoWpedia Box
Ability parry.png This user is dedicated, but not hardcore.
Spell holy weaponmastery.png This user prefers to PvP.
WC2Box.png This user has been playing since Warcraft II: Tides of Darkness.
WoWlogo old.png This user has been playing since the original World of Warcraft came out.
Inv misc book 07.png This user has a strong interest in articles on lore.
Spell unused2.png This user prefers to RP.
Alteracvalley.jpg This user misses the old, boring epic AVs.
Icon OnlyAlliance.gif Death to the Horde!
This user only plays as a member of the Alliance.
Ability warlock baneofhavoc.png This user prefers to play Evil characters.
Aphel's Infobox
Spell Holy ElunesGrace.png This user plays on the US Moon Guard server.
IconSmall NightElf Male.gif
Ui-charactercreate-classes hunter.png
This user plays as a night elf hunter.
MaleIcon.jpg This user plays as a male character.
Engineering This user plays as a Engineer / Miner. Mining
Inv sword 46.png This user plays as a DPS.
Alliance This user plays as a member of the Alliance.
Aldor Tabard.jpg This user's character joined the Aldor.
Inv weapon bow 39.png This user has obtained [Thori'dal, the Stars' Fury].
Spell nature natureguardian.png Elune'adore
This character is a follower of Elune.
Achievement firelands raid fandral staghelm.png This character was a proud follower of Fandral Staghelm.