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Whiteheart is a human death knight on the Moon Guard RP server.


Alistair Whiteheart was a Paladin of the Holy Light living in Stormwind City with his wife, Valeria, and their children, Simon and Lucentia. When the children were still quite young, Valeria died under mysterious circumstances, shaking the family to the core. Some years later, Alistair migrated to the continent of Kalimdor on a pilgrimage to spread faith in the Light to other cultures. While there, he was ambushed by a villainous rogue named Krall and murdered in cold blood.

While his body lay rotting in the undergrowth of Ashenvale Forest, the death knight Mauron Alnamis passed through the region, exposing Alistair's corpse to his powerful Death Aura. Unbeknownst to the death knight, his energies imbued the essence of undeath into Alistair, restoring him to life as a not quite living, not quite dead soldier of destruction.