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Rogue Builds for dual spec: Plate, Clothes, RogueVSRogue

Created and Edited by Ampolla

Common basic Mutilate Spec 41/5/25

Common, for the cycle

     Sap > Cheap Shot > Mutilate > Kidney Shot > Mutilate 2x > Cold Blood + Eviscerate or Rupture

then Blind or CoS+Vanish wait for CS to finish his cool down, and all this again. Link Wow Armory (3.3)

Wowwiki's one .. Link Wow Armory (3.3)

NOTE: Many ppl forget to put 5 tp in [Dual Wield Specialization]: this talent is really important for every Mutilate spec.

Mutilate against Locks, Priest, Clothes, Rogues 42/5/24

A stun-lock one, with fast combo point generation and fast energy gains. Link Wow Armory (3.3)

NOTE: Against mages you should use a different strategy: Sap > Sprint (*) > Garrote (**) > Mutilate > Rupture and then, Mutilate Kidney Shot to the end. Just preserve Cloak of Shadows/Vanish for emergences and against Mage's Blink

(*) always have Sprint on! Never wasted if used immediately! It can decide the result of the duel

(**) silences them

Mutilate vs Plates

Totally different one: An unusual but appealing one, based on [Setup].

All talents put to improve Rupture (+60%, talents stacks), Garrote, and melee combo point generation. Poisons are fundamental, use Evasion/Prep from the beginning, Sprint and KILL!

Get 5CP and first of all Rupture, Envenom, do not care about cp generation, [Setup] will do this for you, just keep an eye on [Ghostly Strike]'s cooldown and remember to always have it on, use Evasion, always prep after Evasion.

You can use a totaly diffent strategy: you can begin the stun lock cycle, then [Gouge] the enemy, wait the 5 sec to get out of combat, stealth and immediately sap the opponent, thanks to the [Improved Gouge] talent. Not a really clever strategy, but can give you a great versatility.

Link Wow Armory (3.3)

Shadowstep, Shadowdance (clothes: Ambush ed Eviscerate)

Nice against ranged classes, sometime slow but with the best crit you can somehow get. [Shadowstep] does the dirty work, and his +20% damage is awersome. Rarely used in PVP servers, but worth a try Link Wow Armory (3.3)

<-| Ampolla |->