User:Alianin/Spectrum Phoenix (Garona US)

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This article is a guild information page.

The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official World of Warcraft history or occurrences which are accurate for all realms. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and applied for roleplaying, fictional, speculative, or opinions from a limited playerbase only. Guild pages must comply with the personal article policy.

Page last modified: 2018-04-28

AllianceSpectrum Phoenix
Server Garona US
Guild Leader Bialbog
Levels 1-90
Type PvE
Accounts 200+
Armory Spectrum Phoenix Armory


Spectrum Phoenix (Alliance) and Spectrum Rage (Horde) were forged from the collective desire of gay/lesbian/bi/trans WoW players, and their straight friends, to find a guild free of the bigotry and intolerance that seems to reign free elsewhere in the game, as it does in the real world. Though over 7 years old, Spectrum Phoenix and Spectrum Rage, are still growing steadily, as prospective members discover the existence of our GLBT straight-friendly family, and seek us out, or are invited by existing members.

The reason for our guilds' existence is simple: To provide a fun, friendly, and supportive atmosphere for GLBT players and their straight allies to game in, and be themselves without fear of prejudice or homophobia. We consider ourselves a casual guild; however, our members enjoy raiding and PvPing as well and are welcome to organize groups for this.

Mission statement

Spectrum Phoenix is not only a guild, it is a community of like-minded individuals who share the gaming values of respect, courtesy, support and cooperation. As such, it is expected that members of Spectrum Phoenix will share these values and participate in the community in a positive manner.

Because Spectrum Phoenix prides itself on developing a sense of community among its members, disruptive behavior or behavior that runs contrary to the community or values of the community may result in removal from the guild.

Guild rules


Unlike many WoW guilds, we currently have no complicated requirements for membership. No huge applications to fill out. No tests to answer. No race, class, level, or profession restrictions. Anyone, gay or straight, who has a legitimate desire for the tolerance, support, and friendship that our guilds offer, is welcome to seek membership. That does not, however, mean that we have no criteria for accepting new members.

There are specific qualities that our guild possesses in abundance: open minds, tolerance of alternate lifestyles and beliefs, honor, loyalty, maturity, and camaraderie. We ask that anyone who joins us possess these same qualities and participate in the community in a positive manner. Disruptive behavior or behavior that runs contrary to the community or values of the community will result in a warning and possible demotion or removal from the guild.

We have three requirements for membership:

  1. All members must be at least 18 years of age. This is a mature guild after all, and we would prefer not to be accused of corrupting any impressionable minors.
  2. All members must respect the differences of others, and especially be gay-friendly. Bigots in any form are not tolerated in the least and are not welcome in the guild. Any members who demonstrate prejudice towards a minority (race, spiritual path, sexual orientation, etc.) will likely be removed from membership post haste.
  3. All individuals seeking membership into Spectrum Phoenix must register on the guild website and fill out an application.

Guild hierarchy and promotion criteria

  • Guild Leader: Spectrum Phoenix Guild Leader
  • Co-Leader: Co-leader(s) of Spectrum Phoenix, their alts, and alts of the Guild Leader. The Co-Leader shares the same responsibilities and authority as the Guild Leader and is considered their equal.
  • Officer: Full guild control rights to promote, demote, and remove members. Must have been an active guild member for at least six (6) months, and already hold the rank of Knight. Only members who have shown outstanding dedication and helpfulness in the guild may become officers. They are voted in by the existing officer core on a case by case basis and only when there is a vacant position. If an officer position becomes available, an announcement will be made on the Forums where members may submit an application.
  • Retired Officer: Retired Officers and officers of Spectrum Rage. Has invite privileges.
  • Knight: Must have been active in the guild for at least 3 months or more. This rank is an honorary rank for veterans of Spectrum Rage of equivalent rank (Warlord).
  • Squire: Regular Member. Has gone through the probationary stage.Allowed as many alts as they like.
  • Peasant: Probationary rank for new guild members. Must stay in the rank 2 weeks (without incident) before promotion. Peasants are not allowed alts.

Alt rules

There are currently no restrictions to the number of alts any guild member in Spectrum Phoenix can have, beyond the following:

  • Peasants (those within their first two weeks in Spectrum Phoenix) are not allowed Alts until they reach Squire Rank.
  • "Mule" and Bank Toons are not to be brought into Spectrum Phoenix. Only active, "real" toons will be allowed in.

The process for adding an alt to Spectrum Phoenix is as follows: Message (via /tell) an officer in-game and ask them to add your toon. The officer will check your main's rank, and assuming you are not a peasant, will add your toon. Courtesy is an important rule here; realize that officers are playing too, and if one of them is in the middle of an instance run or something similar when you ask, it may be a few before they can get to you. It's worth checking the Guild Tab to make sure an officer isn't in an instance before whispering them.

Additional rules for Spectrum Phoenix

  • Golden Rule: Have respect for everyone in Spectrum Phoenix and Spectrum Rage, including yourself! Save your poor Guild Leader and officers some gray hairs and play nice.
  • Be respectful in all communications. Being disrespectful to anyone is unacceptable, and being disrespectful to an officer is a very fast way to get yourself noticed (and not in a good way). If you have a problem with an officer, please let the Guild Leader or another officer know via /tell. Joking and being semi-catty with each other is understandable, even encouraged, as long as all parties understand that what is said is in fun. When it crosses the line into genuine insults, or starts offending others, it's time to stop or take things into a private channel.
  • Please remember that this is a diverse guild and our members come from all walks of life. We may have a good deal of members who are part of the bear community and are interested in such; however, keep in mind that there are male and female members who are straight, bisexual or lesbian, and are here to play the game in a LGBT-friendly environment, not seek out sex-talk and the like. Please be respectful to them. Let us be clear...flirting is perfectly fine! In general, the conversation should be kept in an "R-rated" context at the maximum; if the conversation turns "NC-17", it's gone too far. Some people are not comfortable asking or saying anything when the conversation goes in a direction that makes them uneasy, though others might give a hint like "TMI" (too much information). What we ask is, when such requests are made to change topics, please respect them and don't argue the matter. The talk can be taken to whispers and/or other chat programs/websites. We are not trying to censor people...that truly is one of the last things we would want to do. But the truly last thing we would want is to make a guild founded on tolerance an uncomfortable place for any of our members. Just remember to respect the wishes of your other guild members, which is to be online and play the game first and make it a fun place to be.
  • Please try to avoid confrontations, especially with other guild members. We understand that some arguments may happen, but please do your best to keep drama to an absolute minimum. If you have a disagreement, please take it out of main chat channels and do your best to resolve things peacefully. Whispers are a very good way of saving embarrassment. If an officer does get involved, please do your best to work with him/her in resolving the issue. They're just trying to keep the peace. Don't make their job harder than it has to be.
  • Help in this guild is freely given. We do not sell equipment, bags, mats, or services to each other. If you must sell an item, do it on the Auction House or in the Trade channels. The only exception to this rule is if there is a cost in acquiring the items for those who need help, such as buying mats for enchantments. Then it's reasonable to ask that they help with the cost.
  • There will be no reselling of items or services that have been given to a member by the bank or another member, unless you have made arrangements with the person providing the item or services! At no time will someone sell something on the Auction House that they have received from the bank or another member. If you decided not to use it then send it back!
  • Guild notes for each character should contain information such as "Main" if it's a main character, "Alt of:" if it's an alt.
  • Any toons shown to be inactive for a period of three months or greater will be removed from the guild. If you know you're going to be inactive for that long but wish to remain in the guild, you must let an officer know ahead of time.
  • No spamming for items or help in guild chat. Asking a few times is fine.
  • Do not ask the higher level members to help power level you. Those who are available may agree to assist you in a tough spot, but they're not there to give you a free ride. Half the fun of the game is the challenge! Use the forums to post your requests for instancing.
  • Be active in the forums. This is where the true directions of the guild are decided. Speak your mind. Please make it a point to check them at least every 2 weeks.


Guild Leader

  • Bialbog



  • Danzie
  • Odïn
  • Rasmiranna

External links