User:Aeliren85/Darryn Vyal

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
MobDarryn Vyal
No image available
Title <Chief Engineer>
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 95-100 Elite
Affiliation(s) Defias Brotherhood
Occupation Chief Engineer of the New Defias
Location Old Barracks Gateway, Stonemason's Vengeance
Status Killable
MobHoratio Laine
No image available
Gender Male
Race Human (Humanoid)
Level 95-100 Elite
Affiliation(s) Stormwind
Occupation Senior Stormwind Investigator
Location Old Barracks Gateway, Stonemason's Vengeance
Status Killable

Darryn Vyal is a level 95-100 elite human boss found in the Stonemason's Vengeance. He is accompanied by a mind controlled Horatio Laine and two mind controlled Stormwind Investigators.


  • Darryn Vyal yells: What's this? Laine, I trust you can take care of this?
  • Horatio Laine says: Can't... Control myself... I... Men, get those intruders!
At 75%
  • You fools! Can't you see that this is for the greater good?
At 50%
  • Why you insist on fighting is beyond me!
  • I have had ENOUGH!
  • No more toying around!
At 25%
  • You cannot stop the Brotherhood!
Killing a player
  • Regrettable.
  • A foolish endeavor.
  • If only you knew...
Horatio dies
  • Oh well. Looks like the murder investigator... ...Just got murdered.
  • You know, Laine was a nice guy. You didn't have to kill him. By the way, on the off chance you would have killed me, he could have been saved. Your welcome!
Stormwind Investigator dies
  • Horatio Laine yells: No! That was a good man, you fiend! I will- No, no more... I... have... to...
  • Darryn Vyal yells: Are you so hellbent on killing me that you'd kill your allies as well?


Darryn Vyal
Inv misc questionmark.png Chief Engineer's Staff Inv misc questionmark.png Imbued Defias Bandana
Inv misc questionmark.png Darkened Defias Belt
Horatio Laine
Inv misc questionmark.png Laine's Sunglasses Inv misc questionmark.png Stormwind Investigator's Badge


  • [The Defias Uprising]