User:Aedror/Lieutenant Alverold

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AllianceLieutenant Alverold
Image of Lieutenant Alverold
Gender Male
Race Human
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Kul Tiras
Occupation Lieutenant of the Exploratory Fleet
Location The Tidebreaker, Durotar
Status Alive

Lieutenant Alverold was one of Daelin Proudmoore's lieutenants and made up a part of the fleet which sailed to Durotar in search of Jaina. While Proudmoore headed towards land, he ordered Alverold to take an exploratory fleet and scout out the coasts of Kalimdor. Meanwhile, Daelin did battle with the Horde, and was killed by Rexxar and his comrades.

After the horde has neutralized Tiragarde Keep, Alverold return with his crew aboard the Tidebreaker, to try retake the keep.

Gar'Thok seeks players who can kill Alverold and his crew.

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