User:Aedror/Quest:Catching Tor'wyrdr

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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
AllianceCatching Tor'wyrdr
Start Graun Blumb
End Graun Blumb
Level 8 (Requires 7)
Experience Unknown
Reputation Ironforge Unknown
Rewards Unknown
Repeatable No
Previous Getting the Meat

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Graun Blumb wants you to catch and defeat Tor'wyrdr.

  • Tor’wyrdr defeated


Yes here it is! A wolf meat bait! That should be able to lure Tor’wyrdr out of his hole.



You did it, <Name>! You’ve caught Tor’wyrdr!


  • To accept this quest, you need to be atleast an Apprentice Fisherman.

Quest progression

  1. Alliance 15.gif [8] Getting the Meat
  2. Alliance 15.gif [8] Catching Tor'wyrdr