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This article is fan fiction.
The contents herein are entirely player made and in no way represent official Warcraft lore or history. The characters and events listed are of an independent nature and are applied for roleplaying purposes only.
Image of Aessina
Race Spirit (Humanoid)
Level 30
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Darnassus
Location Shrine of Aessina, Ashenvale

One of the greater wilderness spirits is Aessina. Her shrine was built ages ago by the night elves, and lies in the midst of a forest glade in Ashenvale's heart. The shrine is a clear forest pool with a statue of Aessina standing beside it, clothed only in ivy.

In World of Warcraft

WoW Icon update.png Aessina's main sanctuary is Shrine of Aessina in Ashenvale Forest.

During the quest Alliance 15.gif [25] Warn Aessina, she is summoned and warned against the Horde, who is cutting down the forest.

External links