Unstable Amalgamation

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MobUnstable Amalgamation
Image of Unstable Amalgamation
Race Ooze (Aberration)
Level 110 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Grand Hall, Arcway
Status Killable

Unstable Amalgamations are oozes located in the Grand Hall in the Arcway. When killed, they will split into four Unstable Oozes.


  • Spell warlock demonicportal purple.png Ooze Explosion — Explodes, inflicting Arcane damage to all enemies within 15 yards. In addition, this effect reduces movement speed by 5% for 8 sec.
  • Spell yorsahj bloodboil purple.png Ooze Puddle — Dissolves into a puddle of toxic ooze that inflcits 87500 Arcane damage to all enemies within the pool.

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