Unknowable Power

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NeutralUnknowable Power
Start Dawn-Seeker Krisek
End Dawn-Seeker Krisek
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Type Group
Category Tanaan Jungle
Experience 15,070
Reputation +1500 Order of the Awakened
Rewards 1500 Apexis Crystal
15g 40s
Next N [40 Daily] Unseen Influence


Collect a Fel-Corrupted Apexis Fragment from any Treasure or from any Rare or Rare Elite creature in Tanaan Jungle.


The one they call Gul'dan has ruined his own people, and now seeks to ruin what remains of mine as well. The fallen outcasts at Kra'nak have already pledged themselves to Gul'dan in a false promise of a return to the skies. He has given the most powerful of his minions the power of the Apexis, but twisted in a way that I cannot explain. Bring one of these fragments to me.


You will receive: 1500 Apexis Crystal

You will also receive: 15g 40s


This is simply the beginning of what you must do to save what remains of the Arakkoa.


As your archmage told me, the power that has warped these crystals comes from far beyond this world. I will need more help in discovering how to turn back the darkness inside my people.


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