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Uninvited Worldeater

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MobUninvited Worldeater
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Race Devourer (Aberration)
Level The Ember Court Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Ember Court
Status Killable

Uninvited Worldeaters are devourers located in the Ember Court.


  • Spell fire blueimmolation.png Consuming Strikes — Consumes a portion of the target's essence causing melee attacks to heal the caster for 25% of the damage inflicted.
  • Spell shadow manaburn.png Debilitating Smash — The caster rears back and smashes its current target, inflicting Physical damage and all healing received is reduced by 10% for 15 sec.
  • Spell sandexplosion.png Smash — Jump to target location, damaging and knocking back enemies.
  • Achievement boss lordmarrowgar.png Unstable Ejection — Unleashes a torrent of devouring energy, leeching 30 health from all players in a line 50 yards in front of the caster.

Objective of

  • Party Crashers!

Patch changes

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