Unappreciated Scrolls

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NeutralUnappreciated Scrolls
Start Kajosh
End Kajosh
Level 110 - 120 (Requires 110)
Category Nazmir
Experience 850
Reputation +75 Tortollan Seekers
Rewards 23g 40s


Recover 8 Tortollan Scrolls.


Since you're here in Natha'vor, you might as well help out the rest of the pilgrimage with a problem.

These trolls have stolen several of our scrolls. Why they would, I have no idea, I doubt they're smart enough to even read.

I want you to get them back. I'm not young anymore, I can't just be casting magic off the top of my head!

Especially healing magic... which I'm sure Shoak is going to need when you rescue his dumb shell.


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