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Fires when a buff, debuff, status, or item bonus was gained by or faded from an entity (player, pet, NPC, or mob.)

UNIT_AURA: unitTarget, updateInfo


string : UnitId
UnitAuraUpdateInfo? : Optional table of information about changed auras.
Field Type Description
addedAuras AuraData[]? List of auras added to the unit during this update.
updatedAuraInstanceIDs number[]? List of existing auras on the unit modified during this update.
removedAuraInstanceIDs number[]? List of existing auras removed from the unit during this update.
isFullUpdate boolean? = false Whether or not a full update of the units' auras should be performed. If this is set, the other fields will likely be nil.
Field Type Description
applications number
auraInstanceID number
canApplyAura boolean Whether or not the player can apply this aura.
charges number
dispelName string?
duration number
expirationTime number
icon number
isBossAura boolean Whether or not this aura was applied by a boss.
isFromPlayerOrPlayerPet boolean Whether or not this aura was applied by a player or their pet.
isHarmful boolean Whether or not this aura is a debuff.
isHelpful boolean Whether or not this aura is a buff.
isNameplateOnly boolean Whether or not this aura should appear on nameplates.
isRaid boolean Whether or not this aura meets the conditions of the RAID aura filter.
isStealable boolean
maxCharges number
name string The name of the aura.
nameplateShowAll boolean Whether or not this aura should always be shown irrespective of any usual filtering logic.
nameplateShowPersonal boolean
points array Variable returns - Some auras return additional values that typically correspond to something shown in the tooltip, such as the remaining strength of an absorption effect.
sourceUnit string? Token of the unit that applied the aura.
spellId number The spell ID of the aura.
timeMod number


  • The extended payload can be supplied to the AuraUtil.ShouldSkipAuraUpdate function alongside a predicate function to determine if a consumer of this event may skip further processing of the event as a performance optimization.
Related API UnitAura


The aura InstanceIDs can be used to efficiently process aura updates and is queried with C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataByAuraInstanceID.

Warning Warning: GetAuraDataByAuraInstanceID will not work on removed aura InstanceIDs, so it might be a good idea to cache the information.

UNIT AURA 01.png

local count = 0

local function OnEvent(self, event, unit, info)
	count = count + 1
	if info.isFullUpdate then
		print("full update") -- loop over all auras, etc
	if info.addedAuras then
		local t = {}
		for _, v in pairs(info.addedAuras) do
			tinsert(t, format("%d(%s)", v.auraInstanceID, v.name))
		print(count, unit, "|cnGREEN_FONT_COLOR:added|r", table.concat(t, ", "))
	if info.updatedAuraInstanceIDs then
		local t = {}
		for _, v in pairs(info.updatedAuraInstanceIDs) do
			local aura = C_UnitAuras.GetAuraDataByAuraInstanceID(unit, v)
			tinsert(t, format("%d(%s)", aura.auraInstanceID, aura.name))
		print(count, unit, "|cnYELLOW_FONT_COLOR:updated|r", table.concat(t, ", "))
	if info.removedAuraInstanceIDs then
		local t = {}
		for _, v in pairs(info.removedAuraInstanceIDs) do
			tinsert(t, v)
		print(count, unit, "|cnRED_FONT_COLOR:removed|r", table.concat(t, ", "))

local f = CreateFrame("Frame")
f:SetScript("OnEvent", OnEvent)

The payload can contain any combination of addedAuras, updatedAuraInstanceIDs and removedAuraInstanceIDs. UNIT AURA 02.png

Patch changes

Dragonflight Patch 10.0.0 (2022-10-25): Removed isFullUpdate parameter. Significant changes to updatedAuras structure.
Shadowlands Patch 9.2.0 (2022-02-22): Added isFullUpdate and updatedAuras parameters in hotfix build 42852 on March 24 2022.[1].
