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ScrollFrame (inherits from Frame) may be customized to vertically or horizontally scroll other widgets.

The logic and textures to operate the ScrollFrame may be inherited from a template:

  • UIPanelScrollFrameCodeTemplate - The logic for vertial scrolling without any textures. {UIPanelScrollFrameCodeTemplate at Townlong-YakUIPanelScrollFrameCodeTemplate at GitHub}
  • UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate - Adds vertical scroll bar textures beyond the right edge of the ScrollFrame. {UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate at Townlong-YakUIPanelScrollFrameTemplate at GitHub}
  • FauxScrollFrameTemplate - Adds vertical scroll bar textures but without logic to move the child frame. {FauxScrollFrameTemplate at Townlong-YakFauxScrollFrameTemplate at GitHub}
  • HybridScrollFrameTemplate - Reuses child widgets by passing them a new ID to display different list entries. {HybridScrollFrameTemplate at Townlong-YakHybridScrollFrameTemplate at GitHub}

Defined Methods

ScrollFrame:GetScrollChild() - Returns the frame that scrolls when moving the scroll bar(s)
ScrollFrame:SetScrollChild(frame) - Assigns the frame to scroll when moving the scroll bar(s).
ScrollFrame:UpdateScrollChildRect() - no longer required after patch 2.3

Defined Script Handlers

OnHorizontalScroll(self, offset) - Run when the horizontal scroll position changes.
OnScrollRangeChanged(self, xrange, yrange) - Run when the scroll position changes.
OnVerticalScroll(self, offset) - Run when the vertical scroll position changes.


  • Scroll frames are good for scrolling large portions of text, or a large EditBox.
  • Faux and Hybrid scroll frames give the impression of scrolling a long list without the performance cost of making widgets for off-screen list elements.
  • Multiple textures, positioned one to another, may start "fidgeting" when the ScrollFrame's ScrollChild containing them is resized/moved/scrolled. And "fidgeting" may mean quite serious distortions, with textures shifting up to 3-4 pixels in an unpredictable direction. Speculation here - apparently this happens because ScrollFrames are (seemingly) created by rendering all their content onto a texture in memory, and treating the ScrollFrame's ScrollChild as a mere Texture, taking its contents from the in-memory texture using SetTexCoord. Now when the 0-1 texture coordinates suffer from precision errors, everything starts to shake. Surprisingly, though, text does NOT suffer much. Bottom line - use ScrollFrames for large images or blocks of text, but not for a large number of multi-textured relatively-positioned controls.[citation needed] 


Creates a ScrollFrame inside the Interface window (see Using the Interface Options Addons panel):

local panel = CreateFrame("Frame") = "MyAddOn"

-- Create the scrolling parent frame and size it to fit inside the texture
local scrollFrame = CreateFrame("ScrollFrame", nil, panel, "UIPanelScrollFrameTemplate")
scrollFrame:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 3, -4)
scrollFrame:SetPoint("BOTTOMRIGHT", -27, 4)

-- Create the scrolling child frame, set its width to fit, and give it an arbitrary minimum height (such as 1)
local scrollChild = CreateFrame("Frame")

-- Add widgets to the scrolling child frame as desired
local title = scrollChild:CreateFontString("ARTWORK", nil, "GameFontNormalLarge")

local footer = scrollChild:CreateFontString("ARTWORK", nil, "GameFontNormal")
footer:SetPoint("TOP", 0, -5000)
footer:SetText("This is 5000 below the top, so the scrollChild automatically expanded.")