Tzu the Ironbelly

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NeutralTzu the Ironbelly
Image of Tzu the Ironbelly
Title <Retired Monk>
Gender Male
Race Pandaren (Humanoid)
Level 10-35 Elite
Class Monk
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Dawn's Blossom, Jade Forest
Status Alive

Tzu the Ironbelly is a pandaren located at Dawn's Blossom in the Jade Forest.



An Windfur says: Hey mister Ironbelly! The witch in the woods turned my friends into jade. Can you help?
Tzu the Ironbelly says: The Widow Greenpaw is NOT a witch. She just makes very lifelike jade statues.
  • I am the mighty Tzu the Ironbelly Monk, so named for my infamous belly barrage. Perhaps you have heard of me.
  • Chin did not earn his title lightly. There was a fierce championship of noodle makers gathered from all four corners of the village.
It was here they battled with great ferocity over barrels of boiling water to forge only the finest noodles ever made within a days travel.
Glorious I tell you!
Only Flourfury emerged victorious, crafting a noodle so astounding it shook the very foundation of my taster's bowl.
  • I once did battle with the dreaded fang toothed beast that shall not be named for fear of darkening the day.


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