Two-Tusk Takedown (Horde)

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HordeTwo-Tusk Takedown
Start Synge [91.6, 79.2]
End Synge [91.6, 79.2]
Level 15-30
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 600-6000
Reputation +350 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards  [Buoyant Shoulderpads] or  [Synge's Wristbands] or  [Den Whomper Boots] or  [Drinker's Bracers]
1g 15s
Previous H [15-30] Sunken Treasure
Next N [15-30] Haunted
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [15-30] Two-Tusk Takedown.


Obtain the Rusted Cage Key.


This treasure's all fake, but it's not like those den whompers are going to know the difference. Stupid ogres!

Here's the plan... you head into the Admiral's Den and spread all of this "treasure" around to any ogres that get in your way. Then all you have to do is confront Tony Two-Tusk.

You'll have the key to the cage in no-time!


You will receive: 1g 15s

You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv shoulder 146.png [Buoyant Shoulderpads] Inv bracer 67v2.png [Synge's Wristbands]
Inv boots mail 15v2.png [Den Whomper Boots] Inv bracer 63v2.png [Drinker's Bracers]


What's going on? You gonna get me out of here?


Yeah, yeah, yeah... I'm sure that your little adventure into the cave was very interesting.

How about we talk about it over drinks back on the Speedbarge once you get me out of this cage?


Head south to the cave. The Den Whompers are level elite ogres, and are not meant to be taken on alone. Use the fake treasure to bribe them from 20 yards away. They will turn friendly and disappear.

Take the first left and follow the outer cage wall around to the north, then east to find Tony Two-Tusk at [95.2, 79.5], a troll with five treasure chests behind him. Engage him and he will jump into the treasure chest behind him and disappear!

Tony Two-Tusk says: We gonna show you why treasure be a pirate's best friend!

This is a five-phase fight. First up, Tony and three Southsea Burnmasters:

Tony Two-Tusk says: Burn dem all ta cinders!
Southsea Burnmaster says: Aye aye! x3

The Burnmasters have a Flamethrower attack as their one ability:

  • Flamethrower — Deals Fire damage to all enemies in a cone in front of the caster for until cancelled. Channeled

Take out the burnmasters closest to Tony, then wail on him until he closes the chests.

Up next is Tony and two Southsea Grenadiers:

Tony Two-Tusk says: Light da fuses, boys!
Southsea Grenadier says: Blowin 'em to bits, boss! x2

The grenadiers only throw dynamite:

  • Inv summerfest firespirit.png Burning Blaze — Deals Fire damage to all enemies within the blaze. Lasts 15 sec.
  • Inv misc bomb 03.png Throw Dynamite — Hurls a stick of dynamite at an enemy, inflicting Fire damage and creating a burning blaze beneath the target's feet.

Same as before, take them out then turn back to Tony. He next brings in a huge group of Southsea Parrots:

Tony Two-Tusk says: Peck 'dere eyes out!

Roughly seven parrots emerge. A single Area of Effect move is all that is necessary to kill all of them, but they only hit for a few points of damage each.

The fourth phase has tony bringing out a Southsea Engineer:

Tony Two-Tusk says: Hit dem wit da most powaful 'ting you got!
Southsea Engineer says: Powering up a high-powered shot!
Kill the engineer before she can get a shot off!

Her ability:

  • Inv spear 07.png High-Powered Shot — Aims a precise shot at an enemy, inflicting significant damage.

As the boss warning indicates, this can one-shot players, so kill her quickly!

The fifth phase introduces a friendly Confused Murloc!

Confused Murloc says: Mrrglrglrgl?
Confused Murloc says: Mrrglrgl, mmrglrlglrrrglrggl!

The murloc and all of the Baby Murlocs are friendly, so take this opportunity to unload on Tony.

If, after all five phases, Tony isn't dead, he will repeat the process as long as it takes for players to kill him - except when the murloc would appear, instead Tony will appear in each one of the chests in an attempt to confuse.

Tony Two-Tusk says: Ah, but which one is da real one?

When he finally does bite the dust, he will jump out of whatever chest he is in and return to his spawn position before perishing.

Tony Two-Tusk says: No... da world... is mine...

Loot him and exit the cave, remembering to bribe the ogres on the way out.

On complete:

Wizzle Brassbolts says: Oh no! The key broke in the lock! I'll never get out of this cage!

Suddenly, the Spirit of Tony Two-Tusk appears, haunting the player, offering the next quest!


  1. A [15-30] Where's Wizzle?/H [15-30] Where's Synge?
  2. B [15-30] Sunken Treasure
  3. B [15-30] Two-Tusk Takedown
  4. N [15-30] Haunted
  5. N [15-30] With a Little Help...
  6. N [15-30] Carcass Collection
  7. N [15-30] The Mad Magus

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