Where's Synge?

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HordeWhere's Synge?
Start Zamek
End Synge
Level 15-30
Category Thousand Needles
Experience 4,590
Reputation +250 Bilgewater Cartel
Rewards 55s
Next H [15-30] Sunken Treasure


Find Synge at the Southsea Holdfast in Thousand Needles.


Hey, <name>, you haven't seen our gunsmith, Synge, have you?

I just know that the pirates captured him! He said that he was going to try to sell them some rifles, or something.

Would you please look for him up at the Southsea Holdfast to the east? I'll bet that no-good gnome he's always traveling with, Wizzle Brassbolts, got him into trouble!


Hey! Get me out of here!


  1. A [15-30] Where's Wizzle?/H [15-30] Where's Synge?
  2. B [15-30] Sunken Treasure
  3. B [15-30] Two-Tusk Takedown
  4. N [15-30] Haunted
  5. N [15-30] With a Little Help...
  6. N [15-30] Carcass Collection
  7. N [15-30] The Mad Magus


You will receive: 55s

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