Twinspire Grunt

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HordeTwinspire Grunt
Image of Twinspire Grunt
Race Orc (Humanoid)
Level 10-35
Reaction Alliance Horde
Occupation Grunt
Location Twinspire Keep, Jade Forest
Status Killable

Twinspire Grunts are orcs located in Twinspire Keep in the Jade Forest.

Objective of


  • Finally, an enemy worth fighting.
  • For Hellscream!
  • Pandaria will be ours!
  • Death to the Alliance!
  • For the Horde!
  • I'm going to enjoy this...
  • Puny <race>...
  • You won't escape alive, <race>!
  • Orcs rule! (This can be seen when on the upper balcony, sometimes an orcish grunt walks up behind an undead warlock before kicking it off the platform to its death below)

Patch changes

External links