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Race Faerie (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Night Fae Covenant
Location Revendreth; Ardenweald; Bastion; Maldraxxus

Twinklewings is a faerie trainee who appears during N [60] Training Our Forces, N [60] Training in Maldraxxus, N [60] Training in Bastion, and N [60] Training in Revendreth. They'll follow you and assist in combat while in the correct zone for the current training quest.





Initial (Ardenweald):

I was sent to learn from you, I hope that's ok! I promise I won't get in the way!

Initial (Not Ardenweald):

Oh, hi! I'm here to learn from you, so that I can serve Ardenweald. I can't wait!


I'm with you today!
I'm ready to learn!
Oh, hi! I'm here!
Entering combat
Time to twinkle!
Eat my dust!
Let me at 'em!
Enemy slain
Take that, bad guy!
Not so tough now, are you?
Whew, that was a close one!
Under 5% health




Grants Twinkledust
Do you require assistance?
Use Twinkledust
All of you, get back!
Finds Dirty Glinting Object
I think I see something on the ground, over here!


Patch changes

External links

Alvyni Generic name