Twilight Earthbreaker

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For the Deepholm mob, see Twilight Earthbreaker (Deepholm).
MobTwilight Earthbreaker
Image of Twilight Earthbreaker
Title <Twilight's Hammer>
Gender Male
Race Ogre (Humanoid)
Level 45
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight's Hammer
Location Twilight Outpost, Silithus: The Wound
Status Killable

Twilight Earthbreakers are ogres located in Silithus: The Wound.


  • Spell shaman earthquake.png Earthshatter — The caster smashes the earth, inflicting Physical damage to targets in a line in front of the caster and knocking them away.
  • Ability earthen pillar.png Ground Spike — The caster summons a pillar of earth beneath the target, inflicting Nature damage.

Objective of


  • BWAHAHA! I needed a few more scars on my face!
  • I gonna break you, like I break your friend!
  • I gonna seperate[sic] your HEAD from your BODY! BWAHAHA!
  • I gonna stomp you REAL good!
  • It the end of the world... and I feel fine! HAHA!
  • Me gonna crush you so hard!
  • You are next!
  • You gonna stop the hammer? I don't think so!

Patch changes

External links