Twilight Drake (Bastion of Twilight)

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Not to be confused with Twilight Drake (Island Expeditions) or Twilight Drake (Grim Batol).
Main article: Sinestra (tactics)
MobTwilight Drake
Image of Twilight Drake
Race Twilight drake (Dragonkin)
Level 37 Elite
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Twilight dragonflight
Location Twilight Caverns, Bastion of Twilight
Status Killable

Twilight Drakes are twilight drakes that appear in the Twilight Caverns in the Bastion of Twilight during the Sinestra fight.


  • Spell fire twilightflamebreath.png Twilight Breath — The Drake's breath inflicts 38400 to 41600 Shadow damage in a 25 yard 60 degree cone in front of it.
  • Spell shadow shadowpower.png Absorb Essence Tank Alert — If a Twilight Drake comes into contact with a pool of Twilight Essence, it siphons that energy and causes the pool to shrink and eventually vanish entirely. Each charge of Essence absorbed increases the Drake's damage by 10%, and its health by 10%. This effect stacks.

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