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Image of Tukuku
Title <Ancient Scrolls>
Gender Male
Race Tortollan (Humanoid)
Level 30-60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Tortaka tribe
Location Tortaka Refuge, Vol'dun[62, 20.8]
Status Alive

Kurtu is a tortollan vendor located at the Tortaka Refuge in Vol'dun.


Item Stock Cost
 [Scroll of Subsistence] 5x 2g 50s
 [Scroll of Inner Truth] 5x 2g 50s
 [Scroll of Torga's Swiftness] 5x 2g 50s
 [Light Parchment] 5x 15c
 [Enchanting Vellum] 10s
 [Weathered Scrollcase] 200g
 [Seaside Leafy Greens Mix] 5x 2g 50s
 [Fishing Pole] 23c
 [Nightcrawlers] 1s

Patch changes

External links