Treasures of Deathwing (quest)

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AllianceTreasures of Deathwing
Start Brann Bronzebeard
End Brann Bronzebeard
Level 100
Category Highmountain
Experience 30,150
Reputation +150 Highmountain Tribe


Defend Brann Bronzebeard.

  • Find a Waygate
  • Defend Brann Bronzebeard


Neltharion's Vault? Well why didn't that spiritwalker just say so?

When we were jumpin' into the cavern I thought I saw a chamber up high that might have what we are after.

Have a look around this place while I see if I can't find a way up.


You will receive:

Choice of:


This is a big chunk of history we just uncovered.


After using the Titan Waygate
Well now, if it this ain't the spot I dunna know what is. Looks Like[sic] back in Deathwing's day he gathered up all sorts of stuff.
Let me know when you are ready and we can see what defenses that old wyrm left in place.
Gossip I'm ready.
Brann runs towards the pedestal with the Hammer of Khaz'goroth.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Well well, what have we here. A pile of mostly unguarded titan disks?
Brann Bronzebeard says: Looks like ol' Deathwing left the automated defenses on. Watch me back.
Conjured Defenders and Titan Defenders attack.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Try aimin' fer the titan defenses. Them orbs are what are holdin' the portals open.
Brann Bronzebeard says: Alright! That should be enough. I'll meet ya near the exit to this dragon hole.
Brann takes the hammer, while Talas takes the disks.

Patch changes

See also

External links