Treasure Guardian

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NeutralTreasure Guardian
Image of Treasure Guardian
Title <House Grinchin>
Race Stone fiend (Humanoid)
Level 60
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) House Grinchin
Location Chalice District, Revendreth[50.2, 49.0]

The Treasure Guardian is a stone fiend located inside a house in the Chalice District in Revendreth. It sits atop a Secret Treasure.



Are you of House Grinchin?

Only members of House Grinchin may access the House treasure chest.

Gossip How can I prove to you that I'm in House Grinchin?

Now THAT is a question only someone NOT of House Grinchin would ask!
<The stone fiend grins at you.>
Heh, not that I mind...
My orders were very specific: Sit on this treasure chest for eternity, only opening it for those who bear a House Grinchin Ring.
They failed to specify anything about answering questions for weird-looking strangers.
<The stone fiend winks very slowly.>
Search this place to find a House Grinchin Ring and we'll both get a little excitement in our day.

Gossip <Show the House Grinchin Ring.>

The Treasure Guardian gets off of the chest, allowing you to open it.
Treasure Guardian says: It is an honor to meet another distinguished member of House Grinchin.
Treasure Guardian says: As a member, the house treasure vault is, of course, always available to you.


  • The ring is found inside a Grinchin Calligraphy Set on the upper balcony of the room. The balcony can be accessed by a Hanging Chain, located between the transport mirror and the closed door.

Patch changes

External links