Training: Nothing Like a Strider Wing

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NeutralTraining: Nothing Like a Strider Wing
Level 65 (Requires 65)
Category Whaler's Nook
Experience 9,800
Rewards 23g 40s
Shareable Yes


Kill 5 Brinethooths in Gorlock Shore.

  • Brinetooth slain (5)


My wife has a hankerin' for strider wings an' there ain't none to be found here. But I have an idea... You know what has fat, juicy legs an' probably tastes like strider? Brinetooths! You know what's nearby an' we can eat? Brinetooths! Kill a few of them an' I'll collect 'em an' dress 'em up in sauce. She won't know the difference!


You will receive:

  • 23g 40s
  • 9,800 XP

Patch changes

External links