Tower of Terror

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NeutralTower of Terror
The Haunted Precipice
Level 100 Rare!
Duration 23 hrs, 53 min
Followers 3
Mission Type Combat
Enemies IconSmall Ogre2 Male.gif Horrible Haunter
IconSmall Pale.gif Sinister Specter
IconSmall Ogre2 Male.gif Phearful Phantasm
Cost 50 Garrison Resources
Follower XP 1,500
Bonus Chest  [Abrogator Stone] x3


Scouts have discovered a ruined ogre guard tower in Talador. It's haunted. Also, we're running out of scouts.


  • Enemy type: Undead
  • Horrible Haunter: Powerful Spell
  • Sinister Specter: Magic Debuff
  • Phearful Phantasm: Group Damage Danger Zones Powerful Spell


  • 1,500 follower XP


You will receive:
Inv misc archstone 01.png 3x [Abrogator Stone]


This mission is only available when you have N [100R] Legacy of the Sorcerer Kings in your quest log.

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