Tower Power

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NecrolordTower Power
Start Yondare Hex
End Yondare Hex
Level 60 (Requires 60)
Category Covenant Sanctum
Experience 4,100
Rewards 12g 87s
Previous N [60] Restoring Power


Use the Anima Conductor to channel anima to a location in Maldraxxus.

  • Anima channeled


This device is used to channel anima to our towers across Maldraxxus, empowering our forces stationed at them.

Though you may find the support they offer useful, bear in mind that the anima will likely attract the attention of our foes.

Use the device to direct our stores of anima toward one of our towers. You will soon see what true power can accomplish.


You will receive:

  • 12g 87s
  • 4,100 XP


The anima must flow!


Yes, yes! I feel the flow of anima. You will want to return to the device periodically and channel more.

As you gather and channel more anima to a tower, its connection to our sanctum will grow stronger. Eventually you will be able to reinforce the channel, making it permanent.

With enough anima flowing throughout Maldraxxus, our armies will be unstoppable!


  1. N [60] Restoring Power
  2. N [60] Tower Power

Beta version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the beta stages.


This device is used to channel anima to towers under our control, empowering our armies and magics.

As each tower is imbued with anima, our forcers there will be bolstered. You may find their services useful in your journeys, though the anima may also cause our enemies to direct their forces at the tower.

Bring anima to our sanctum, and then you shall be able to use the device to direct it to a tower. Once you have accomplished this, the results will speak for themselves.

Patch changes

External links