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NeutralTo the Source
Start Keldaz
End Keldaz
Level 73-75
Category The Ringing Deeps
Experience 2,700
Rewards 5g 85s
Next N [73-75] Raging Rifts


Meet Keldaz outside of the northeastern mine.


Orsenth told me you have been instrumental in dealing with the elemental problem here at the mine. I am Keldaz, supervisor for the militia. We came as soon as word of the attack reached us in Gundergaz. The miners you rescued said that the elementals poured out of the northeast mine shaft.

I will leave some of my guards here to lend their support and have sent for reinforcements. If you are still willing to help, meet me outside the cave and let us see what we can do to staunch the flow of elementals.


You will receive:

  • 5g 85s
  • 2,700 XP






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