To The Ramparts!

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HordeTo the Ramparts!
Start Kulg Gorespatter
End Kadrak
Level 7-30
Category Ashenvale
Experience 1150
Rewards 9s
Previous H [5-30] Probing into Ashenvale
Next H [7-30] Mor'shan Defense


Speak with Kulg Gorespatter at the Ashenvale/Azshara border to be transported to the Mor'shan Ramparts. Report to Kadrak when you arrive.


These woods may be silent but our enemies lurk behind every trunk. I've discovered many an orc with arrows in his back, his weapon still sheathed.

It is treacherous here, behind the lines, but we could use strong arms and sharp minds down at the Mor'shan Ramparts. Kadrak is preparing an offensive from there - he prefers action to talk. You and he will get along.

Speak with me when you are ready and I will fly you there.


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You are just in time, <class>. Old Kulg has been slinking around those woods too long. He grows too cautious, jumping at shadows. We will fear this forest no longer - the time has come to subdue Ashenvale once and for all!


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