To The Master's Lair

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NeutralTo The Master's Lair
Start Steward of Time
End Andormu
Level 15-30
Category Old Hillsbrad Foothills
Experience 1150
Reputation Keepers of Time +10
Next N [15-30] The Caverns of Time

This quest must be completed to be able to enter the first instance in the Caverns of Time.


Speak to Andormu at the Caverns of Time.


Ah, <name>. We have been expecting you. Please, allow one of my brothers to fly you down to the master. He awaits you below...


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

  • 1150 experience (or a 69s compensation at level 70)
  • 10 reputation with the Keepers of Time


We must prepare you for the battles that lie ahead...


  1. N [15-30] To The Master's Lair
  2. N [15-30] The Caverns of Time
  3. N [15-30D] Old Hillsbrad
  4. N [15-30D] Taretha's Diversion
  5. N [15-30D] Escape from Durnholde
  6. N [25-30D] The Black Morass
  7. N [25-30D] The Opening of the Dark Portal

Patch changes

  • Legion-Logo-Small.png Patch 7.3.5 (2018-01-16): Categorization changed from Caverns of Time to Old Hillsbrad Foothills.
  • Bc icon.gif Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.

External links