To Legion Hold (Horde)

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HordeTo Legion Hold
Start Blood Guard Gulmok
End Blood Guard Gulmok
Level 25-30
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 12300 (7g 38s at level 70)
Previous H [25-30] Besieged!
Next H [25-30] Setting Up the Bomb
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [25-30] To Legion Hold.


Make your way to Legion Hold, locate the Legion Communication Device, and learn about the Legion's plans while in disguise. Return to Blood Guard Gulmok at Shadowmoon Village when you've completed your mission.


The fortress of Legion Hold is your target. You'll have no reinforcements, so a frontal attack is out of the question.

What little information we have shows that the Legion stocks and prepares its infernals at the hold. With the help of a disguise I'll give you, you must sneak into Legion Hold and discover their plans.

Your best hope is to intercept or overhear communication between their commanders.


You will receive:

  • 4g 10s
  • 12300 XP (or 7g 38s at level 70)


What did you discover?


<Blood Guard Gulmok listens to your report, growing more alarmed with each sentence.>

What do you mean they're going to step up the bombardment? We can't allow that to happen. Get back out there and take care of it while there's something left of Shadowmoon Village!


  1. A [25-30] Visions of Destruction or H [25-30] Kroghan's Report
  2. B [25-30] Besieged!
  3. B [25-30] To Legion Hold
  4. B [25-30] Setting Up the Bomb
  5. B [25-30] Blast the Infernals!
  6. B [25-30] The Deathforge
  7. B [25-30] Minions of the Shadow Council
  8. Complete both:
  9. B [25-30] Bring Down the Warbringer!
  10. B [25-30] Gaining Access
  11. B [25-30] Invasion Point: Cataclysm
  12. B [25-30] The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance
  13. B [25-30] The Fel and the Furious
  14. B [25-30] News of Victory

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