Time Yet Remains

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NeutralTime Yet Remains
Start Crusader Bridenbrad
End Highlord Tirion Fordring
Level 25-30
Category Icecrown
Reputation +13 Argent Crusade
Rewards 74s
Previous N [25-30] The Boon of Remulos
Next N [25-30] The Touch of an Aspect


Return to Highlord Tirion Fordring at Crusaders' Pinnacle with news of Emerald Acorn's effects.


I feel refreshed... renewed... but the plague still grips me. Not to worry, I am still eternally grateful that you went to such lengths for me, a complete stranger. If nothing else, you've bought me a few more precious hours not plaguing the world as a hideous undead.

Thank you, <class>. Please extend my thanks to Tirion as well, and let him know that it has been an honor to serve beside him.


You will receive: 74s


It saddens me to hear that it did not work. No reason to fret though, I have met other beings of good that may still be of aid to us.


  1. N [25-30] A Tale of Valor
  2. N [25-30] A Hero Remains
  3. N [25-30] The Keeper's Favor
  4. N [25-30] Hope Within the Emerald Nightmare
  5. N [25-30] The Boon of Remulos
  6. N [25-30] Time Yet Remains
  7. N [25-30] The Touch of an Aspect
  8. N [25-30] Dahlia's Tears
  9. N [25-30] The Boon of Alexstrasza
  10. N [25-30] Hope Yet Remains
  11. N [25-30] The Will of the Naaru
  12. N [25-30] The Boon of A'dal
  13. N [25-30] Light Within the Darkness

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