Tilloa Flintridge

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AllianceTilloa Flintridge
No image available
Gender Female
Race Human
Affiliation(s) Kingdom of Stormwind
Occupation Student
Location Unknown
Status Deceased
Relative(s) Giles Flintridge (younger brother)
Mentor(s) Stalvan Mistmantle

Tilloa Flintridge was the daughter of a human noble of Stormwind.


At some point, Tilloa's father searched for a tutor for Tilloa and her younger brother, Giles. The job went to a man named Stalvan Mistmantle, who had been the headmaster of the Moonbrook Schoolhouse before its abandonment.[1] After meeting the siblings, Mistmantle wrote of Tilloa's "captivating beauty" in his journal, and noted that she was "on the cusp of womanhood."[2]

The family invited Stalvan Mistmantle to accompany them on a visit to their summer cottage in Elwynn Forest.[2] While the family was there, Tilloa was tending to the garden; when she came inside afterward, she placed a scarlet begonia in Mistmantle's open palm and smiled at him.[3] He became increasingly smitten with her, and he began to believe that she returned his feelings when one day she placed her hand on his. He felt that unspoken words passed between the two of them.[4]

Later, Tilloa appeared before Stalvan Mistmantle with a suitor, whom she held hands with. She introduced Mistmantle to the suitor as "Uncle Stalvan, [...] a nice old man." It's unknown if Mistmantle said anything at the time, but he was furious, appalled that Tilloa would hold hands with a boy in public, and humiliated by her comment on his age.[4] When she became engaged, Mistmantle fell into a downward spiral of anger and despair. He concluded that she'd pretended to be in love with him in order to hurt him, and he planned to spill blood in revenge.[5]

Mistmantle murdered the family, presumably including Tilloa, in their estate in the Canal District of Stormwind City. The estate's current caretaker refers to the event as a massacre.[6]

In other sources

 [Tear of Tilloa] can also be found at Manor Mistmantle in Duskwood.


  • Her name is an anagram of Lolita, a novel by Vladimir Nabokov that shares some similar elements to the Legend of Stalvan.
  • Tilloa appears in the machinima "The Legend of Stalvan". However, as Blizzard themselves have not revealed any information about her appearance, it is unknown what she actually looks like and her character in the movie is completely fan-made.


This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials. It should not be taken as representing official lore.

She may be the Forlorn Spirit appearing in the quest chain about her death.
