Raptor Prowess

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NeutralRaptor Prowess
Start Automatic
End Automatic
Level 10-30
Category Northern Stranglethorn
Experience 2,200
Previous N [10-30] Raptor Stalking
Next N [10-30] Raptor Mastery


Hunt 10 Jungle Stalkers.


A particularly cagey brand of raptor, known by locals as the "Jungle Stalker", prowls the forests to the south, across the river. They are far more difficult to track down and kill than the other breeds you've been trying your luck at.

Killing these Jungle Stalkers will undoubtedly make for a good tale around the fire.



You are no longer just a raptor hunter. You are an honest-to-goodness raptor SLAYER.

Though one fabled raptor still eludes you...


  1. N [10-30] Welcome to the Jungle
  2. Complete all of the following:
  3. N [10-30] Big Game Hunter

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