Tidal Corruptor

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MobTidal Corruptor
Image of Tidal Corruptor
Gender Male
Race K'thir (Aberration)
Level 50
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Affiliation(s) Black Empire
Location Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Status Killable

Tidal Corruptors are k'thir located throughout the Vale of Eternal Blossoms during the Black Empire assaults.


  • Spell shadow demonbreath.png Touch of the Drowned — Causes a player to drown, inflicting 3 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 12 sec.


Objective of


  • Drown in the blood of the infinite.
  • Even death... may... die...
  • Gaze upon the shadow of your demise.
  • I am but one... of many...
  • I sleep... only to wake...
  • In the end... you will know the truth...
  • Know the embrace of true nothingness.
  • Light dies in the endless fathoms.
  • The currents wash you into the abyss.
  • The cycle... continues...
  • The endless shadow... embraces me...
  • The seed... takes root...
  • The stars fear our ascension.
  • Your hope... wanes...
  • Your soul will know only hunger.

Patch changes

External links