Thukmar's Intel

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  • Thukmar's Intel
  • Quest Item
  • "Intelligence."
  • <Right Click to Read>

Thukmar's Intel drops from Thukmar's Research in the Fissure of Fury in Gorgrond.


Thukmar's Intel

This is magnificent!

I have unearthed an artifact of unknown origin. Touching it instantly floods my mind with a vision of every magnaron, gronn and the like that walks Gorgrond.

What's more, I am overcome with a sense that each of these creatures are an appendage to me. I have found myself able to commune with them, manipulate them and even shape their thoughts.

I am returning to the foundry to inform Blackhand directly. This discovery will hasten our purging of draenor[sic], and many more worlds to come!

As a quest objective

Patch changes

External links