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Thorned Snarler

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MobThorned Snarler
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Title <Sister Lilias' Pet>
Race Wicker beast (Aberration)
Level 20-60
Resource Mana
Reaction Alliance Horde
Location Drustvar
Status Killable
Companion(s) Sister Lilias (master)

Thorned Snarlers are wicker beasts located in Drustvar.


  • Spell shadow lifedrain.png Bramblepelt — Covers the caster in a thorned carapace, causing attacks received to inflict Physical damage.
  • Inv misc monsterfang 02.png Jagged Fangs — Attacks the target with vicious fangs, inflicting Physical damage.
  • Ability druid disembowel.png Thorned Claw — Strikes the target with razor sharp claws, inflicting Physical damage and additional Physical damage every 1 sec for 7 sec.

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