They Have A Pitlord

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NeutralThey Have A Pitlord
Start Marius Felbane
End Marius Felbane
Level 45 (Requires 45)
Category Highmountain
Experience 16,450
Rewards  [Hood of the Spurious Journey]
or  [Kuglaroth's Helm]
or  [Pit Lord Stompers]
or  [Helm of the Fel Shaman]
or  [Felmonger's Treads]
or  [Marius' Soles of Slaying]
or  [Adventurer's Excellent Circlet]
or  [Tehd's Well-Traveled Slippers]
19g 40s


Defeat Kuglaroth.

  • Kuglaroth slain


The Feltotem are not the first to embrace the temptations of the Burning Legion. And they will not be the last.

But in their arrogance, they have conjured a pit lord.

Will you join us in battle against this beast? The power of your artifact and skill could prove invaluable against such a creature.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv helm leather legionquest100 b 01.png [Hood of the Spurious Journey] Inv helm plate legionquest100 b 01.png [Kuglaroth's Helm]
Inv boot plate legionquest100 b 01.png [Pit Lord Stompers] Inv helm mail legionquest100 b 01.png [Helm of the Fel Shaman]
Inv boot mail legionquest100 b 01.png [Felmonger's Treads] Inv boot leather legionquest100 b 01.png [Marius' Soles of Slaying]
Inv helm cloth legionquest100 b 01.png [Adventurer's Excellent Circlet] Inv boot cloth legionquest100 b 01.png [Tehd's Well-Traveled Slippers]

You will also receive:

  • 19g 40s
  • 16,450 XP


I do not need my eyes to see the value you bring to this war.


The other demons we will contend with in time. But that pit lord, it was a creature of great evil and beyond our devices to defeat on our own. Your skills were appreciated.


  • This quest's name may be based on a scene in The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring in which the fellowship comes under attack by orcs in the mines of Moria. Boromir hears a distinctive bellow outside the room where the fellowship is trapped, and remarks, "They have a cave troll."

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