Thelsamar Blood Sausages (Classic)

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AllianceThelsamar Blood Sausages
Start Vidra Hearthstove
End Vidra Hearthstove
Level 11 (Requires 7)
Category Loch Modan
Experience 90–875
Reputation +250 Ironforge
Rewards 5x  [Blood Sausage]
 [Recipe: Blood Sausage]
4s 00c


Bring 3 pieces of Bear Meat, 3 Boar Intestines, and 3 Spider Ichor to Vidra Hearthstove in Thelsamar.


There's never a shortage of empty bellies here in Thelsamar, kids running in and out, workers from the excavation coming in after a hard day's work. We're famous for our blood sausages, I don't suppose you've ever tried them?

No? Well, around here you've got to work for your meals, and don't think just because you're a fancy <class>, you'll be any exception.

I'll need bear meat, boar intestines for the casings, and spider ichor for spice. You get me some of those, and leave the cooking to Vidra!


You will receive:

Inv misc food 49.png 5x [Blood Sausage] Inv scroll 03.png [Recipe: Blood Sausage]


I'm all ready to start cooking, do you have the ingredients for me?


Trust me, it seems a lot harder than it looks, but...

Oh, I've never known someone to take much interest in the making of sausages, but I'll give you the recipe just in case. Here you go, mind you eat them fresh!

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