The Wondrous Bloodspore

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HordeThe Wondrous Bloodspore
Start Bloodmage Laurith
End Bloodmage Laurith
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Next H [10-30] Pollen from the Source

From this innocuous introduction to the Bloodspore Plains, the Horde player becomes embroiled in a military gambit against the Gammothran magnataur.


Bloodmage Laurith at the Bloodspore Plains in the Borean Tundra wants you to recover 10 Bloodspore Carpels.


We are witnessing something amazing here, <race>. A whole undiscovered ecology lives and breathes not more than a few paces from us! I surmise it is the bloodspore plant that sets this environment abuzz.

I have collected some pollen from the nearby male species of bloodspore plant but still lack female receptors for pollination. Fetch me a bushel of the bloodspore carpels. You'll find them near the larger plants surrounding us.

Be wary of their guardians! The kobolds won't give them up easily!


The tests must continue!


Lovely! Just lovely!

<Laurith applies a sprinkling of pollen to one of the bloodspore carpels and then utters an incantation.>

Hrmph... I don't understand. Unless... Why of course!


  1. H [10-30] Massive Moth Omelet? - (optional)
  2. H [10-30] The Wondrous Bloodspore
  3. H [10-30] Pollen from the Source
  4. H [10-30] A Suitable Test Subject
  5. H [10-30] The Invasion of Gammoth
  6. H [10-30] Gammothra the Tormentor
  7. H [10-30] Trophies of Gammoth

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