A Suitable Test Subject

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HordeA Suitable Test Subject
Start Bloodmage Laurith
End Bloodmage Laurith
Level 10-30
Category Borean Tundra
Experience 2,000 XP or 24s at level 80
Reputation +10 Warsong Offensive
Previous H [10-30] Pollen from the Source
Next H [10-30] The Invasion of Gammoth


Bloodmage Laurith at the Bloodspore Plains in the Borean Tundra has asked that you use the Pollinated Bloodspore Flower and allow her to observe the results.


<Laurith looks you over as if to size you up.>

So we've got this pollinated bloodspore flower and nobody to test its effects on. Say, would you perhaps be interested in rubbing this on your skin and letting me observe? What's the worst that could happen anyway?

Don't you worry, <name>! Just take this sample and rub it all over your face.



Don't be afraid.


Primal Mighthorn will be delighted! This is better than even I expected!

Perhaps it's time that I told you the truth.


  1. H [10-30] Massive Moth Omelet? - (optional)
  2. H [10-30] The Wondrous Bloodspore
  3. H [10-30] Pollen from the Source
  4. H [10-30] A Suitable Test Subject
  5. H [10-30] The Invasion of Gammoth
  6. H [10-30] Gammothra the Tormentor
  7. H [10-30] Trophies of Gammoth

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