The Warlord's Council (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Warlord's Council
Start Jeanine Amrell
End Bodrick Grey
Level 40 (Requires 40)
Category Garrison Campaign
Experience 15,070 experience
Rewards 15g 40s
Previous A [40] Garrison Campaign: Deep Recon
Next A [40] Plans of War
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [40] The Warlord's Council.


Find out who is behind the written note.


Upon closer inspection, you notice a piece of leather parchment looped around her neck.

Scrawled upon it angrily are the words:



You will also receive:

  • 15g 40s
  • 15,070 XP


I'm glad I found you, <name>. I've been hiding out since the Warsong orcs ambushed our camp at the Hidden Camp.

You should have seen the fight that Jeanine put up. Even after they began torturing her, she never gave up that there were two of us.

She had a will of steel, that one.


Azuka Bladefury, accompanied by two Sunspring Brutalizers, entraps the player.
Azuka Bladefury says: Well well well... look who's walked right into our trap.
Azuka Bladefury says: You will be my gift to Warchief Hellscream.
Player gets knocks out unconscious and is placed into a cage. They witness a meeting with the other warlords.
Grommash Hellscream says: What of you, Blackhand?
Blackhand says: Alliance and Horde forces strike at the Foundry, but they are nothing I cannot handle.
Grommash Hellscream says: Again, Blackhand? All I hear are excuses.
Grommash Hellscream says: Azuka, how goes the search for the alpha?
Azuka Bladefury says: Well, Warchief. We need only the Heart of Gorgorek to give it life.
Grommash Hellscream says: Good. I will have you deal with the other-worlders as well. Or... do you lack the bloodlust of your forefathers?
Azuka Bladefury says: My blade skills surpass those of my sires, Warchief. I can clean up Blackhand's mess.
Blackhand says: Hrahh... I will slice off your tongue for that!
Grommash Hellscream says: Ahahaha... bold words from my newest Warlord. Very well!
Grommash Hellscream says: Carry forth your ancestral blade. Bathe it in the blood of our enemies. Show me its legendary power.
Grommash Hellscream says: Come! You have your orders. I ride for Tanaan.
Azuka and the warlords leave. Soon, Flint Shadowmore stealths in.
Flint Shadowmore says: Hang tight, sir. I'm here to help you.
Flint opens the cage.

Alpha version

Removed from game The subject of this section did not make it out of the alpha stages of Warlords of Draenor.

Player gets knocks out unconscious and is placed into a cage. They witness a meeting with the other warlords.
Kilrogg Deadeye says: Operations in Tanaan go well. The Citadel is almost complete.
Kargath Bladefist says: I am keeping a close eye on the Highmaul ogres, Warchief. So far, they remain... obedient.
Grommash Hellscream says: What of you, Blackhand?
Blackhand says: Alliance and Horde forces strike at the Foundry, but they are nothing I cannot handle.
Grommash Hellscream says: Again, Blackhand? All I hear are excuses.
Grommash Hellscream says: Azuka, how goes the search for the alpha?
Azuka Bladefury says: Well, Warchief. We need only the Heart of Gorgorek to give it life.
Grommash Hellscream says: Good. I will have you deal with the other-worlders as well. Or... do you lack the bloodlust of your forefathers?
Azula Bladefury says: My blade skills surpass those of my sires, Warchief. I can clean up Blackhand's mess.
Blackhand says: Hrahh... I will slice off your tongue for that!
Grommash Hellscream says: Ahahaha... bold words from my newest Warlord. Very well!
Grommash Hellscream says: Carry forth your ancestral blade. Bathe it in the blood of our enemies. Show me its legendary power.
Grommash Hellscream says: Prove yourself, Azuka, and I shall esteem you among my Warlords.
Grommash Hellscream says: Come! You have your orders. I ride for Tanaan.
Azuka approaches the cage.
Azuka Bladefury says: Don't worry, little mouse. I haven't forgotten about you. I'll take care of you... later.
Azuka then leaves with the other warlords.


  1. B [40] Garrison Campaign: Deep Recon
  2. B [40] The Warlord's Council
  3. B [40] Plans of War
  4. B [40] Intercepting the Orders
  5. B [40] Putting Down the Packleader

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