The Tower of Althalaxx quest chain

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AllianceThe Tower of Althalaxx
Level range 18-31
Zones Darkshore, Ashenvale

This series of quests formerly led the character to discover the Cult of the Dark Strand and its leader, Athrikus Narassin.

The Tower of Althalaxx

In Auberdine, Sentinel Elissa Starbreeze asked you to travel north to the Tower of Althalaxx, to check up on Balthule Shadowstrike, an agent she sent to check out the tower. Balthule was late checking in, and Elissa was concerned that he may have run afoul of something.

Balthule found something, alright, and it didn't look good. It seemed that a cult of warlocks had moved into the tower. He didn't know anything about them, really, but ... warlocks... cult... couldn't be good. He had some scraps of parchment fall into his hands, but needed more in order to assess the threat they posed. And he asked you to secure them for him.

You relieved some of the fanatics of their parchments and returned to Balthule, who was able to put together something more about them. Specifically, they were part of the Cult of the Dark Strand. ... About which Balthule had no real information. However, he knew someone who might: Delgren the Purifier.

It turned out that Balthule was actually an agent of Delgren, a human paladin who was assisting the night elves in destroying demonic and undead forces. (Elissa was just 'borrowing' him...)

Balthule asked you to carry a letter to Delgren, outlining the situation at the tower. You found that it was a long, long run, from the Tower of Althalaxx to Maestra's Post in Ashenvale Forest.

Delgren took the threat of the Dark Strand cultists seriously, as he had already been battling them near Ordil'Aran. It seemed that somewhere among the cultists was a  [soul gem] that he believed held the secret to the cult's power. You volunteered to go retrieve it for him.

You killed a lot of cultists in the process of finding the gem, but found it you ded. Soul gems, as it sounded like, contained a trapped soul. Delgren shattered the gem, freeing the ghost of Sargath, who explained the situation to Delgren.

The freed spirit gave you the name Ilkrud Magthrull. Delgren knew this name. He was a warlock in southwestern Ashenvale, at Fire Scar Shrine. He was up to his little eyeballs in this Dark Strand cult. He had to go. And you were just the person to do it.

Despite his succubus, despite his voidwalkers, all his necromantic powers availed him naught. You returned to Delgren victorious, with  [his tome] in hand.

Delgren read through the tome and related the results. It seemed that Athrikus Narassin still had two soul gems, one in Night Run, and one in Satyrnaar, both under the control of Satyrs. Two more souls to free.

Those things one valued, one protected. The Satyrs defended the soul gems quite stoutly, but you were still able to free the souls and thus weaken the chief of the Dark Strand cultists, and do other Good in the process.

Upon returning to Delgren, he declared that it was time to confront Athrikus himself. But first, he said, you should talk to Balthule and see if there had been any developments.

You did, and you found that yes, your work had been ... noticed. Out of the blue, as it were, there was a blinding flash from the top of the tower, followed by a lot of lightning and screams.

Good work, that.

You related what you'd been up to since you last talked to him, and Balthule agreed that Athrikus will never be weaker. He cautioned you, though, that there were many warlocks surrounding him, more powerful than those you'd faced before.

And he was right. You fought (or perhaps snuck) your way to the top of the tower and found a veritable cloud of warlocks guarding Athrikus. The fighting was savage, but you prevailed! For proof, you used the time-honored method of returning with  [the head of your foe].

Balthule directed you to return to Delgren the Purifier and tell him of your deeds: Athrikus Narassin lay dead, and the Cult of the Dark Strand was scattered!

Delgren tould you he sensed that you are destined for greatness, and that you would right many wrongs plaguing the lands. He offered you a gift, as well, in thanks for your courageous deeds.


For bringing Ilkrud Magthrull's Tome to Delgren, you got your choice of

Inv belt 33.png [Clergy Ring] Inv staff 23.png [Staff of the Purifier]

From the final quest, your choice of

Inv pants 11.png [Pious Legwraps] Inv sword 27.png [Seraph's Strike]

Patch changes

  • Cataclysm Patch 4.0.3a (2010-11-23): Removed.
  • WoW Icon update.png Patch 1.2.0 (2004-12-18): Fixed a bug with the Tower of Althalaxx quest line that allowed you to skip the step that leads into Fire Scar Shrine.

See also


  1. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  2. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  3. A [18] The Tower of Althalaxx
  4. A [21] The Tower of Althalaxx
  5. A [24] The Tower of Althalaxx
  6. A [28] The Tower of Althalaxx
  7. A [28] The Tower of Althalaxx
  8. A [31] The Tower of Althalaxx
  9. A [31] The Tower of Althalaxx