The Third Flamegate

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NeutralThe Third Flamegate
Start Tortolla [41.7, 60.7]
End Garunda Mountainpeak [64.3, 53.6]
Level 30-35
Category Mount Hyjal
Experience 2750
Reputation +10 Guardians of Hyjal
Rewards  [Leggings of Fiery Travail] or  [Rescuers Shoulderguards] or  [Glyphtrace Ritual Knife]
Previous N [30-35] The Hammer and the Key
Next N [30-35] The Time for Mercy Has Passed, N [30-35] The Strength of Tortolla


Travel through the flamegate in the Scorched Plain and locate Garunda Mountainpeak within.


Memorize the glyph.
Take it within yourself.

Draw it on the ground before the flamegate.
East of here.
Enter the Firelands.

I cannot come with you.
But my children await. Inside.

Find Garunda Mountainpeak within the realm of flame.


You will be able to choose one of these rewards:
Inv pants mail 41.png [Leggings of Fiery Travail] Inv shoulder 149.png [Rescuers Shoulderguards]
Inv knife 1h cataclysm b 02.png [Glyphtrace Ritual Knife]

You will also receive: 78s


You were sent by the turtle god? Bless his almighty shell! I thought I was trapped down here forever.


Fly past Irontree's inn stronghold to the third flamegate at [64.9, 54.1] on the Scorched Plain. This flamegate drops in to the Crucible of Flame of the Firelands. Garunda Mountainpeak is just inside, guarding two Children of Tortolla. Pay attention to his gossip text as he completes the quest:

I cannot fathom the origin or purpose of this place.
These corridors are used for troop movements, yes, but they're also littered with charred and tortured corpsoes, some partially devoured, most simply crushed and beaten.
We are in the Firelands, but I feel as though we've crossed the threshold into hell.


  1. N [30-35] The Last Living Lorekeeper
  2. N [30-35] Firefight
  3. N [30-35] Aessina's Miracle
  4. N [30-35] Tortolla's Revenge
  5. N [30-35] The Hammer and the Key
  6. N [30-35] The Third Flamegate
  7. N [30-35] The Strength of Tortolla
  8. N [30-35] Finish Nemesis
  9. N [30-35] Tortolla's Triumph
  10. N [30-35] The Ancients are With Us

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