The Survivalist's Way

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AllianceThe Survivalist's Way
Start Kyresh
End Kyresh
Level 91 (Requires 90)
Category Shadowmoon Valley (alternate universe)
Experience 13,850
Rewards 11g 80s


Collect 6 Glowworm Silk and 12 Razorfang Teeth in The Arbitum in Shadowmoon Valley.


I was tracking the Iron Horde's movements through the Iron March when I was spotted by one of their chimera riders.

I was able to fight off their kill squad, but I'm too injured to keep going. Stranger, I must obtain as much recon as possible to aid in Karabor's defense.

If you can bring me silk from the worms and a handful of teeth from the rays at the lake nearby, I can operate on my wounds and fashion a bandage that ought to hold long enough for me to finish my mission.


You will receive:

  • 11g 80s
  • 13,850 XP

Patch changes

External links