The Summoning Chamber (Horde)

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HordeThe Summoning Chamber
Start Scout Zagran
End Scout Zagran
Level 25-30
Category Shadowmoon Valley
Experience 12300 EXP (or 7g 38s at level 70)
Rewards 4g 10s
Previous H [25-30] Minions of the Shadow Council
Next H [25-30] Bring Down the Warbringer!
For the Alliance version of this quest, see A [25-30] The Summoning Chamber.


Obtain an Elemental Displacer from a Deathforge Smith or Deathforge Tinkerer and use it to disrupt the ritual in the summoning chamber. Report to Scout Zagran at Slag Watch when you've completed your task.


In order to churn out infernals as quickly as the Deathforge seems to, they must have an area dedicated to summoning the elementals that form the core of the infernals

The summoning chamber is likely to be found below ground, near a pool of fouled water or lava. Locate the summoning chamber within the Deathforge and find a way to end their summoning ritual. The mo'arg involved in making the infernals may carry a tool that will help disrupt the summoner's magics.


You will receive:

  • 4g 10s
  • 12300 XP (or 7g 38s at level 70)


We cannot afford to let their production continue. Have you put an end to the summoning ritual?


Good, we're making progress. That puts us one step closer to shutting down this facility and returning safely to Shadowmoon Village.


  1. A [25-30] Visions of Destruction or H [25-30] Kroghan's Report
  2. B [25-30] Besieged!
  3. B [25-30] To Legion Hold
  4. B [25-30] Setting Up the Bomb
  5. B [25-30] Blast the Infernals!
  6. B [25-30] The Deathforge
  7. B [25-30] Minions of the Shadow Council
  8. Complete both:
  9. B [25-30] Bring Down the Warbringer!
  10. B [25-30] Gaining Access
  11. B [25-30] Invasion Point: Cataclysm
  12. B [25-30] The Art of Fel Reaver Maintenance
  13. B [25-30] The Fel and the Furious
  14. B [25-30] News of Victory

Patch changes

See also

External links