The Story of Morgan Ladimore quest chain

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AllianceThe Story of Morgan Ladimore
Level range 30
Zones Duskwood

This series of quests starts and ends at a weathered grave, in the process putting to rest one of the revenants haunting Duskwood.

Also see:  [The Story of Morgan Ladimore]

The Story of Morgan Ladimore

A [10-30] The Weathered Grave

You come across an old grave that shows signs of having been recently disturbed. You visit Darkshire, and ask Sirra Von'Indi about it.

A [10-30] Morgan Ladimore

Sirra von'Indi rummages through his shelves, and finds a volume that describes  [The Story of Morgan Ladimore]. He urges you to speak to Commander Ebonlocke about the grave.

A [10-30G3] Mor'ladim

Commander Ebonlocke does not at first recognize the name. She knows him as Mor'Ladim. You're a likely looking sort, perhaps you can take him out for the Night Watch.

However, having done so, you discover there's something she didn't tell you.

A [10-30] The Daughter Who Lived

It turns out that one of Morgan Ladimore's family survived, and has joined the Night Watch... Watcher Ladimore.

A [10-30] A Daughter's Love

Watcher Ladimore was unable to help her father before he committed those heinous acts that have caused his soul to wander. She asks you to place her ring on his grave, hoping that he will somehow sense it, and her forgiveness.

You return to the grave one more time, and place Sarah's ring on the grave. As you do, though, the spectral form of Morgan Ladimore appears before you. The spirit tells you of the burden that has been lifted from his shoulders, and in gratitude, it leaves you its sword,  [Archeus].



  1. A [10-30] The Weathered Grave
  2. A [10-30] Morgan Ladimore
  3. A [10-30G3] Mor'ladim
  4. A [10-30] The Daughter Who Lived
  5. A [10-30] A Daughter's Love