The Smoldering Ember (Alliance)

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AllianceThe Smoldering Ember
Start  [Smoldering Timewarped Ember]
End Kiatke
Level 50-60
Category Stormwind City
Rewards [Timewarped Badge] (500)
15g 40s
For the Horde version of this quest, see H [50-60] The Smoldering Ember.

The Smoldering Ember is given from the  [Smoldering Timewarped Ember], which will drop from the final boss of the first Cataclysm Timewalking dungeon you complete while that event is active.


Bring the  [Smoldering Timewarped Ember] to Kiatke in Stormwind.


Cold to the touch when you first reach for it, this ember bursts into flame without warning and snuffs itself just as quickly. As the stone rests in your hand, visions of fire and of dragons dance through your mind, but you can hear the hustle and bustle of Stormwind and the familiar sight of circle portals bubbles to the top.


You will receive: 15g 40s


Yes, another one of these pesky artifacts. The meddling in the timestreams has grown worse of late... or is it that it will grow worse?

<She sighs heavily.>

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